
Automatize your new developer's team onboarding with this simple app (in Python)

When a new developer joins our team, everybody wants to give them the best possible experience 🙌. We’ve created a simple command line app in Python that with minimum configuration helps the new developer, in a geeky way, set up his/her environment and checks if everything works! It also gives …

The Journey to control Code Quality

Coding, programming, developing, name your action! Such a funny and exciting amusement, sometimes going wrong under stress or when lacking experience in a certain technology. The Challenge We sometimes need to write code we’re not proud of, but nowadays we have mechanisms to quantify that and …

Common Git problems and easy incremental solutions for all the family

Git is a gentle beast, but beasts are wild, and they require taming, here are some tips to resolve 99% of git problems. Working with developers of different experience levels made me realize we should have a simple suitable method to resolve all possible issues when working on a git project, …

Debug Python and Django easily from Visual Studio Code

Debugging code, sometimes painful, sometimes funny, but always an exciting task. If we don’t use the right tools, It’s where the developer can waste more time. Making debugging easy for developers has been sometimes a problem for technology, but fortunately, in Python, there have been …

Upgrade from WebHook to Firebase function on dialogflow

Webhooks have been on Dialogflow for a long time, but if you want to have more versatility controlling the responses, you need to use Fulfillment through a Firebase function. How can we upgrade from webhooks to a Firebase function without losing our webhook functionality? Given we had a webhook on a …

CI/CD on a Hyperledger Fabric project

Today we bring you the second post of this series of technical articles regarding development with Hyperledger Fabric. Last time we talked about how we test our chaincode, today we go one step further and we’ll show you how we deploy the code automatically. CI/CD is the combined practice of …

Testing chaincode on Hyperledger Fabric

Hyperledger is the Blockchain family of tools and frameworks for permissioned networks. At The Neon Project we’ve been working with solutions built with Hyperledger Fabric for a while now. Hyperledger Fabric is a complex system to deploy and it’s important to be careful when we configure …

Atom comment v0.6.1

Hi! I spent some time fixing some annoying bugs I had on the comment package for Atom. There was a bug when the language is not supported, and another when commenting a single line, both are now fixed and published in the v0.6.1 version. The package has now support for tex files too.

Fixing my performance problems on Emacs

As you might know, I’ve had several performance problems on Emacs with a large project, that made me explore other editors. At some point I missed a lot of things from Emacs, I have everything nicely configured there, and decided to spend some time checking out my issues and trying to fix …